
The breastfeeding relationship is natural but it is not always naturally easy. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and skills to embrace parenthood with confidence from the day your little one arrives. Our initial visit will include: review of comprehensive history, current feeding practices and present concerns; review of your goals for breastfeeding; infant oral anatomy and function assessment; tethered oral tissue assessment (tongue, lip and buccal ties); and observation of feeding. Counseling, education and support will be provided for troubleshooting common issues such as: latch and positioning; breast or nipple pain; concerns regarding milk supply; pumping; flange size fitting; and back to work pumping plan. Referrals to other practitioners will be provided when indicated (i.e., physician, osteopath, pediatric dentist, chiropractor, physical therapist, craniosacral therapist, massage therapist, registered dietician, etc.) to ensure a comprehensive team approach. From there, we can work together to determine if additional follow up is needed, and how frequently.

Bottle Feeding
Whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding - or both - we are here to support you! From bottle and nipple selection to pacing and positioning, we can provide guidance and education to give you confidence to feed your baby as you wish. Most importantly, we are here to assist you with working through any bottle feeding issues your infant may be having, as described below. Once you reach out to schedule an evaluation, you will be sent an intake form to fill out before your appointment. Each evaluation is unique, but usually is comprised of the initial conversation reviewing concerns that have led families to this point and follow up questions to get a fuller understanding of your child’s concerns. We will complete a thorough review of medical and feeding history; infant oral anatomy and function assessment; tethered oral tissue assessment (tongue, lip and buccal ties); and oral feeding observation. We will also check baby’s body for stiffness, asymmetries, restrictions, and overall development. There will be a strong emphasis placed on collaboration with family in order to develop goals, strategies to trial, and recommendations for ongoing treatment.
Bottle feeding concerns we can assist with:
Difficulty maintaining latch
Coughing/choking during feeding
Gagging during feeding
Bottle Refusal
Too slow or too fast feeding
Feeding tube dependence
Crying with eating
Poor weight gain
Poor endurance
Falls asleep before finishing eating frequently
Feeding time is stressful for parent or baby

Solid Foods

Is your baby struggling with introductions to solid foods? Or have a child who seems to refuse anything but their favorite snacks? Or anything in between - We can help! Upon evaluation, you will be sent an intake form to fill out before your appointment which will review various pieces of birth, medical, developmental, and behavioral history. While there may be many questions that are not directly related to feeding, it helps us to see the full picture to understand why your child is struggling. Each evaluation will be tailored based on the needs of each child, but usually is comprised of the initial conversation reviewing concerns that have led families to this point. Follow up questions will be completed to get a fuller understanding that will allow us to consider all factors. We will complete a thorough review of medical and feeding history; oral anatomy and function assessment; tethered oral tissue assessment (tongue, lip and buccal ties); and oral feeding observation. We will work together with caregivers to develop goals, strategies to trial, and recommendations for ongoing treatment.
Difficulty with solid foods we can assist with:
Coughing/choking during feeding
Gagging or vomiting
Difficulty accepting solids at 6-7 months
Difficulty progressing from purees to soft solids by 8 months
Unable to drink from an open cup or straw by 12-18 months
Limited repertoire of foods/picky eating
Anxiety around new foods
Negative mealtime behaviors
Difficulty moving/chewing food in the mouth
Frequently overstuffing mouth
Pockets or holds food in the cheeks
Gets "special" food from what the family is eating
Extended mealtimes (30+ minutes)
Gets upset with messy hands or face
Needs to be distracted to eat
Eating is stressful for child or caregiver

Oral Development
We are trained in Orofacial myofunctional therapy. Which may make you ask, "Well, what is that?" Orofacial myofunctional therapy is a treatment used to correct the improper function of the tongue and facial muscles. It involves strengthening the tongue and orofacial muscles by teaching individuals how to engage the muscles to the appropriate position. Using orofacial myofunctional therapy, we use a variety of facial and tongue exercises to help promote an accurate resting posture (e.g., correct placement of the jaw, teeth, tongue and lips) and adequate chewing and swallowing. Orofacial myofunctional therapy can help to improve tongue elevation strength, correct tongue resting posture, correct tongue placement while swallowing, improve tongue motility, improve maxillary constriction, prevent relapse of corrected malocclusion, and improve sleep-disordered breathing. Orofacial myofunctional disorders require a team approach. When necessary, we will make referrals to other allied health professionals such as pediatric dentist, orthodontist, ENT, osteopath, chiropractor, physical therapist, craniosacral therapist, etc.)
Signs of an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder (OMD):
Tongue thrust
High narrow palate
Open mouth at rest
Thumb or finger sucking
Crowded teeth, overbite, underbite, or other dental problems
Mouth breathing at night or during the day
Sleep apnea, upper airway resistance syndrome, and poor sleep cycles (may include frequent night urination or bed wetting)
Picky or messy eating
Articulation difficulties
Head, neck and jaw pain
Heightened gag reflex
Difficulty breastfeeding or introducing solids
Frequent chapped lips
Teeth grinding/TMD
History of tongue or lip tie associated with feeding difficulties


**Can be completed in-person or virtually
1:1 Parent Coaching Consultation
This service is available to families seeking support in all things feeding. We work collaboratively to give you the confidence to parent your way. Whether you want to implement baby led-weaning, help your toddler get out of a food rut, or simply talk feeding milestones. We will provide evidence-based and individualized recommendations to help support your parenting journey.
Prenatal Breastfeeding Consultation
Although breastfeeding is a natural process, it is not necessarily instinctual. Research shows that the number one factor that impacts the success of breastfeeding is education. We will take a complete health history as well as answer any questions and concerns that may impact your breastfeeding journey. We will also discuss normal newborn behaviors including feeding cues, how to know if your baby is getting enough milk, and sleep expectations for a newborn. We want you to feel fully prepared to feed your baby! This consultation can be completed at any point in your pregnancy.
Pumping/Flange size Fitting Consultations
You may be exclusively pumping, you may be wanting to pump on occasion, or you may be returning to work. Whether you need help learning about your pump, flange size, bottle introduction and milk storage, we are here to help! Following a review of your pump and various flange sizes, we will make recommendations based on seeing your nipples, before, during, and after pumping. Even though your pump probably came with a measurement guide, the only way to make sure it fits and works well is to have it fitted by a professional after your baby is born and while the pump is actually in use. Knowing how your pump works, making sure it fits well, and getting professional tips and hacks can make all the difference in preventing tissue and nerve damage and protecting your milk supply long term.
Weaning Consultations
Whether you are wanting to wean baby from nursing or wean your body off of the pump, we are here to support you! There is no “appropriate” age to wean your baby or stop pumping. We will discuss your goals and timeline for wanting to wean. We will discuss gentle weaning strategies and how to help your child through this transition, and well as how to transition to fewer breastfeeding sessions (or your body transition to fewer pumping sessions) so that you can safely decrease your milk supply and prevent breast infections.

All of our services can be completed virtually through our HIPAA-compliant teletherapy platform, anywhere in the state of Ohio. We do prefer to have at least one in-person visit to allow for thorough and accurate intra-oral evaluation, as well as assessment of any tension or restriction patterns throughout your child’s body. Many patients have had great success with an in-person evaluation to get an accurate identification of needs, followed up with a virtual treatment plan. However, full virtual care – start to finish – is an option! Teletherapy is a proven effective therapy method that allows increased flexibility and convenience. Virtual visits are a great option if distance, driving, or illness are barriers.